How to Submit Sitemap on Bing Webmaster Tools


Bing is becoming popular search engine and now day lots of peoples are using Bing Search Engine to find whatever they wants to find. If you wants Bing crawl your website or blog very well then you have to submit your website or blog sitemap in Bing webmaster tools.

If you want to boost website from Bing search engine then you have to use Bing webmaster tools and submit your sitemap in Bing Webmasters tools. Submitting sitemap in Bing webmaster tools is quite easy just follow our below steps and increase your website traffic from Bing search engine.

Most of webmaster ignore Bing traffic and focus Google search engine because we know Google is most popular search engine in the world and people use it but that’s means isn’t other search engines are useless and we don’t forgets Bing is second most popular search engine and lots of traffic come from here.

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What is Sitemap?

Sitemap is a list of your website’s all pages and post which helps Google to crawl easily and helps to index your website pages and post on search engine. Google reads only xml sitemap and if you don’t have sitemap then you can create it online. Just search for online sitemap generator and generate your sitemap and upload it on your server (cpanel).

How to submit sitemap in Bing webmaster tools

Submitting sitemap in Bing webmasters tools is quite easy and you can easily submit your sitemap in Bing webmaster tool after reading this post. So, read this post complete and submit sitemap in Bing. If you are a newbie and don’t know how to create sitemap then read above about sitemap and why it is important.

After creation of xml sitemap go to Bing Webmaster Tools. If you don’t have account in MSN/Hotmail then create it first or go with your existing MSN/Hotmail.

Steps to submit sitemap on Bing webmaster tools

  • First of all login on Bing webmaster Tools with above Links.
  • Now add your website on Bing webmaster tools.
  • Fill full form URL, sitemap link and about me
  • Choose your alert option daily, weekly and monthly and alert preference.
  • And click on save button.
  • Download tracking code and upload in your server (Cpanel).
  • Now go back to Bing webmaster and click on verify button.
  • All done you have submitted Bing sitemap successfully.

Here are three options to verify your website ownership. You can use any one of them:

  • Upload XML file on your web server.
  • Copy and paste a <meta> tag in your webpage.
  • Add CNAME record to DNS.

You can see below images to learn how to all the above steps easily. Just follow our steps and submit your Bing sitemap easily.

bing webmaster add site


bing webmaster add form


bing webmaster add form

bing webmaster analytic codebing sitemap verification

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Follow all the above steps carefully and boost your traffic from Bing search engine and submit your sitemap in Bing search engine. For more tips & tricks you can like our Fan page, subscribe our blog and get latest updates from our website.