Bulletproof SEO Strategy 2014 – Get Top 10 Ranking in Just 1 month


SEO stand for Search Engine Optimization which is very important if you are an online service provider or have some online business. Getting top 10 ranking in just one month in Google is quite difficult when Google change their SEO strategy after some specific time period.

If you want to get top 10 ranking in Google then you have to follow Google SEO strategy and use always white hat SEO techniques but how can you get top 10 ranking in just 1 month SEO work? Do not worry about it we have some Bulletproof SEO strategy 2014.

Follow our bulletproof SEO 2014 strategy and get top 10 ranking in just one month with white hat SEO strategy. Below is some SEO 2014 Strategy which will increase your website’s keywords ranking just follow below strategy. Before you read below SEO strategy make sure you have good Hosting services because good hosting service play a good role to increase your website ranking. You can buy hosting from Hostgator or bluehost

On page SEO Strategy: On page SEO (On site SEO) is very important to get ranking on Google follow below steps to improve your website On-Site SEO.

1)      Meta Title Tag: – Title of your website page is very important because Google rank your website according to your title that’s why it’s play a best roll in On Site SEO. Write a good title tag with your main keyword in 56 characters maximum.

2)     Meta Description tag: – write the best description for your website with your website’s main keyword and do not add more than 3 keywords in description and try to write within 150 to 160 characters.

3)     Meta Keywords tag: – choose the best keywords for your website for that you can use Google AdWords keywords tools and you can use the keywords of your competitors.

4)     Sitemap: generate a sitemap XML file for your website and submit it to Google webmaster account.

5)     Content: – well everyone knows content is the king. So, write a rich content with keywords and don’t add more keywords (keywords stuffing).

6)     Website Design: – Make your website design clean and responsive with nice website layout.

Above point are some main point of On-site SEO strategy and there are lots of On-Site SEO strategy you can read on SEO section but you can go with the above on site optimization but sometime some bloggers or website owner thinks they did all SEO and leave their website after On-Site SEO.

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Recommended Reading: Learn On Page SEO Full tutorial

After On-Site optimization your website needs some Backlinks from Off-Page SEO. So, read below bulletproof Off-Site SEO strategy which will boost your website ranking in Google in just one month. Off-Site SEO strategies are:

1)      Social bookmarking: – Social bookmarking is best way to get backlinks for your website and its works fast. So, make at least 10 social bookmarking daily.

2)      Blog Submission: – Blog submission is one the best and fastest way to get backlinks and increase your website ranking in SERP. So, write an article for blog submission and submit the article in 10 free blog submission websites.

3)      Article Submission: – Article submission is different from blog submission and article submission is also a best way to get backlinks but its take some time to approve your article. So, submit 5 articles in instant approval free article websites.

4)      Blog Commenting: blog commenting is one of the best way to get backlinks for your website and try to make do follow blog comments and also make some no-follow backlinks. Do not spam with blog commenting.

5)      Link wheel: – Link wheel is the best way to increase your website ranking and it secure your website for penalization.

Remember don’t build bulk links for your website in one day just follow the above strategy and get top 10 ranking in Google in just one month.

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Recommended Reading: Learn Full Off Site SEO Tutorial

If you don’t have good hosting services then buy it now because in my website case i was using a cheap and bad hosting services and my website server always down and I didn’t ranking in Google but after changing my hosting services my website get top position in just 20 days. So, just follow above SEO strategy and get to 10 ranking in Google in just 1 month.

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I hope the above tips will help you and increase your SERP instantly in Google. Share this article to your friends and help them to get top 10 ranking in fastest way.