How to Do SEM (Search Engine Marketing) Tutorial Online Free

Hello friends, today will teach you about SEM (Search Engine Marketing) in some simple steps, it is just a summary of SEM and this article is good to learn SEM Basic. I will expend all the things on this blog. So, keep in touch you can Follow me for more updates.Okay below i am going to teach you about some SEO and SEM tools and Search Engine Marketing techniques, so read carefully.

URL Shortening Tools

We all are accustomed with the term URL shortening. However very few of us know what is it actually. That is why we have decided to discuss on this interesting topic called URL shortening. This is one of the hottest trends in the web world right now. The URL shortening services can easily convert the longer links to a short and tiny one. You may think why we need such things. Anyone who wants to visit the site can directly click on the link and visit the site. Then what is the benefit of using the shorter link. We share links on various sites and in most of the cases we need to maintain certain word limit. That is where URL shortening services works wonder. The URL shortener does nothing but changing the long link to a shorter one. Whenever you will click on the shorter link you will be mapped with the longer link that is the original one. This is surely an interesting concept and for various networking sites the URL shortening services are becoming more popular each day. You can retain your keywords easily and people can remember the link ever more easily in case of URL shortening services. However this is the secondary cause the main cause are various social networking sites. Now we are going to show some light on this topic and its benefit so that you can understand this topic even better. URL shortening can improve your search engine ranking. It works like the SEO and that is why URL shortening services have become so very popular these days. There are sites like twitter, orkut and Facebook where the shorten links can attract a lot of people to visit the site. The people won’t be able to understand anything before clicking on the link. Many companies promote these links through text messages. Earlier it was impossible because no one was able to send the longer links through text messages and now with the help of URL shortening services it has become a kid’s play. In case of twitter you cannot really express everything in 140 characters. However you must attract the people towards your site and for that nothing can be a better idea than the shortened URL services. One can easily share the link on chat, messages and scrapbooks and no one will mark it with spam or anything like that. Sharing has become easier with URL shortening services and that is surely one of its advantages. This is the era where marketing is everything. You need to promote your products properly if you want to go further. Without capturing the people’s eye no one will be able to get success. That is why search engine optimization is also very important. With all the social networking sites your site will surely get the desired traffic and along with that URL shortening will also help you to improve the search engine ranking. End of the day you will be standing at the beneficial end for sure. Type in Google url shortner Open any site and add that long url which you want to short and you will get a short form of that long url and that short url will work as same as long one. You can shorten long urls to fit in forms.

Eg: (short form of long url)

Viral Marketing for You tube

With Viral marketing you can promote your video on social networking sites like face book, twitter. Viral means to spread your video on you tube like fever spreads from one to one.

Play your you tube video and click on share link below the video and spread it on to your friends on social networking sites and ask them to send it to their friends. For this you need to have account on all networking sites and also more friends on that sites.

Read this:

Google Analytics

Type in Google Google analytics Open first link Log in with gmail id Add your site details. You will get a code to paste on all your site pages. After that you can see report of your site from world over. Read this:

Google Adsense

In Google adsense we can place adds on our site and can earn money from those adds. When any one clicks on those adds Google pays us some part of money from that per click and keeps some part of money to him like 50-50 share. You get payment on monthly bases by checks. This is called Google adsense.  Type in Google:  Google adsense and open first link  Sign up and fill the form completely and submit it. After that you will get verification email from Google with in 24 hours verifying your adsense account. You will get a code to be added on your site page where you want to show add.  In this way you can earn from those adds when ever any user clicks on those adds.

[box type=”info” align=”alignleft” ]Must read: How to do keyword research Learn SEO Tips & Tricks[/box]

Affiliate Marketing

In affiliate marketing we earn by getting commission for selling other companies products to customers online. Affiliate marketing is a marketing practice in which a business company pays commission to one or more affiliates (commission agents) for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate’s(commission agent) own marketing efforts. Affiliate marketing is basically business sharing between online merchants and online salespeople. The money compensation is based on the form of sales, website hits, and website registrations. The online merchants are commonly referred to as affiliate merchants, and the salespeople are simply referred to as affiliates. The following paragraphs will discuss some of the benefits of affiliate marketing. One of the benefits of affiliate marketing is that affiliate marketing has added to the rise of many online companies, including It has become extremely common for industries to participate or offer affiliate marketing deals that are often built in a similar way as the industry offering them, making similar competitive changes when necessary. Another benefit of affiliate marketing is the income potential associated with many affiliate markets. As long as people are happy to make online purchases, there is money to be made in affiliate marketing. You can easily increase your income potential by adding more websites to your affiliate programs, and by covering a wide range of products and services. There is no need to limit your affiliate marketing programs to just one type of product or service. Broaden your range of products and services to aid in making earning potentials higher. One of the biggest benefits of affiliate marketing, is you can work from home and the work is minimal. Your hours will be flexible, and you will basically be your own boss. You many never become a millionaire from affiliate marketing, but it is very possible to make a good living, and do so with many benefits. Affiliate marketing can offer you unlimited earning potential, enable you to work from home, and provide you with flexible working hours. For these reasons alone, affiliate marketing is fast becoming an extremely popular way to earn a living. Read this: For starting affiliate marketing business you need to create a site for affiliate business and you can put other companies links on your site for selling their products and when any customer comes to your site and clicks on those companies links and if buys some product of those companies then you will be rewarded with some commission from that particular company. This is called affiliate marketing business. Type in Google affiliate companies USA to know affiliate companies country wise. Commission is payed in three ways by the company:

  • Pay Per Click (You will be payed for each click user makes on companies links)
  • Pay Per Sale (When user buys some thing you will be payed commission)
  • Pay Per lead (You will be paid for each lead you generate for the company)

Google Adwords / Pay Per Click 

Type in Google Google Adwords. Open first link Sign up and create your first campaign with all details. Use keyword tool, traffic estimator for checking bidding estimates.

Watch this:

SMO (Social Media Optimization)

Social Media Optimization means creating your business profile page on different social networking sites and sharing it with your friends and people of your business field. This is done by posting your websites link on your friends profile page so that you can get more and more clicks and in this way you can increase your rankings through clicks from social networking sites. This helps in increasing your business also and you may get business offers.

Read this:  (open site and click on create page link at the bottom). (You can not write more than 140 characters in twitter at one time).  (Specially for professionals and businessman). (Mainly for movies, videos, songs etc)