How to Increase Torrent Downloading Speed in uTorrent trick


Want to increase your torrent downloading speed? We know uTorrent is very nice software to download all torrent files. Today I will show you a trick to increase Torrent downloading speed. Just follow the below steps and increase your torrent speed.

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Here below are some steps to increase uTorrent downloading speed. As you know uTorrent is very nice software to download any files and movies. I am using uTorrent especially for downloading HD movies.

Steps to Increase Torrent Downloading speed:

1)      First of all Open your uTorrent

2)      Set Bandwidth Allocation High when you are downloading any thing

banwidth allocation

3)      Click on Options >> Preference in Menu like below screenshot


4)      Now click on Connection like below screen and set the setting like that.


5)      Click on Bandwidth like below and set the setting like that.


6)      Now click on Bittorrent and set the setting like below screen.


7)      Click on Queueing and set the setting the like below screen.


8)      Now click on Advanced and set the setting like below


[symple_box color=”yellow” text_align=”left” width=”100%” float=”none”]
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Follow the above steps and increase your torrent downloading speed. I hope this tutorial will help you to increase torrent downloading speed. Follow our blog or like our Facebook fan page and get more tips and tricks.