How to do keyword research Learn SEO Tips & Tricks


Hello friend, today i am going to teach you about Keyword Research. Do you know how to do keyword research, well if you don’t know then you should read this article. Read All the Topic Below: [symple_heading type=”h2″ title=”Keywords Research and Analysis” margin_top=”20px;” margin_bottom=”20px” text_align=”left”] Type in Google Google keyword Adword tool enter any keyword and know the traffic of any keyword country wise and you can use those keywords in your site.

[symple_heading type=”h2″ title=”SWOT Analysis of Website ” margin_top=”20px;” margin_bottom=”20px” text_align=”left”] Before doing the seo of any site, first go for SWOT analysis of the site. S= Strength 1. Original content (if content is original that is the strength of site.)  ( 2. PR (If site has some page rank that is also strength of site.) 3. Old Domain (If domain if old that is also strength of site.) ( 4. Good Navigation (if easy access to the website pages that is also strength) W= Weakness Bad designing of the site, Useless content O= Oppurtunity Where there is business less we have a chance to grow in that area. Like the keywords on which there is less traffic we can use those keywords for getting some traffic to our site, in this way we have the opportunity to grow, after some time we can use high traffic keywords also. T= Threat Facing more competition, becomes a threat for us. Now the opportunity becomes a threat for us because we have to promote our site using less traffic keywords. We have to move ahead with this threat.

[symple_heading type=”h2″ title=”Target segmentation” margin_top=”20px;” margin_bottom=”20px” text_align=”left”] Target Segmentation means promoting your site country wise. If  I want to promote my site in USA I want to know what keywords are used in usa for searching by the people. For example in India we use the word mobiles but in America they say cell phones so if we are promoting our site with mobiles keyword in America our site has less chances of coming on top, so we have to use the keyword cell phone in our site to get it on top in usa. This is called target segmentation. Use Google Keyword Adword Tool for knowing the keywords of any country and use those keywords in your site. [symple_heading type=”h2″ title=”How to do Keyword research” margin_top=”20px;” margin_bottom=”20px” text_align=”left”] Keyword research is a practice used by search engine optimization professionals to find and research actual search terms people enter into the search engines when conducting a search. Search engine optimization professionals research keywords in order to achieve better rankings in their desired keywords. Pick out keywords according to your site using keyword adword tool and do some research over them like if you have targeted some country for promotion. [symple_heading type=”h2″ title=”How to Do Competitor analysis?” margin_top=”20px;” margin_bottom=”20px” text_align=”left”] In order to ensure that your website is as effective and successful as it should be, one of the first things we must do is discover who your online competitors are/will be. We can then establish what your site needs to bring fear into the hearts of your competitors. This includes analyzing the keywords your competitor is using to draw traffic to their site, and what keywords they aren’t using that you can then capitalize on. Once these keywords have been duly noted, we can determine the best way to implement sufficient content into your site, featuring these key words. Competitor analysis means knowing your competitor and to know how he is coming on top. Like if you are running a mobile business then other mobile business sites who are ahead of you are your competitors. To know how your competitor’s site is coming on top you should know his keywords, for this just open his sites source page and see what keywords he is using and you can compare your keywords with him. After comparing with your competitor’s keywords you can change your keywords. In this way you can improve your rankings. This is called competitor analysis. [symple_heading type=”h2″ title=”Finding Appropriate Keywords” margin_top=”20px;” margin_bottom=”20px” text_align=”left”] This step requires lots of time & research. It’s very important to find appropriate keyword for your website and build the content around this. It’s pointless to optimize your website for the keyword that is not searched by users on the internet zone. Use the keywords that are searched by users and have less competition. Why I am telling less competitive because if you optimize your webpages for the keyword that returns millions of webpages in search engine then you will never get ranked top in search engine for that keyword. So select the keyword that is less competitive and demanding. Here are some tips while choosing the keyword: • Use keywords containing two to four words • You must avoid competitive keywords • be specific on selecting your keyword • Select the keyword that are appropriate for you

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I hope this tutorial about Keyword Research and Analysis will help you to find the correct and Strong keywords for your website or blog. If you are still facing any problem with keyword research then please comment your valuable query below on comment section. You can subscribe our blog and Follow us on social site.