Learn How to SEO Optimize Keywords?

Keyword is a term that a person enter into a search engine (Google or others search engine) to find information and answer of their question. Many people search phrase that contain 2 to 5 words.

There are some tips related to keyword which helps you in optimizing keywords of your website.

Keyword Prominence:

A Measurement of Keywords is found earlier and high up on a web page. Keywords are on the first paragraph and in the first heading on a web page are good.

Keyword Weight

Keywords Weight means the number of keyword are on a web page compared to the total number of words are on the same web page. It very good if you have good number of words with good amount of keywords on a web page, generally one trick works well. The trick is to create a small page with a long paragraph with phrase of particular keywords. You can increase the weight of keywords by keeping the overall numbers of words.

Keyword Frequency

To calculate the keyword frequency check how many times a keywords appeared in a site Title, Description and Keyword Meta tags. If you repeat some word too many times in Meta tags, you may penalize for keyword stuffing because some search engine hates that types of web page.

Keyword Proximity

It is refers to the placement of keywords in relation to the other word with same meaning. Search engine gives the grade by keywords match by Keywords proximity. For example when you will search the keyword phrase “SEO Service” will outrank a citation that contains “SEO India Service”.

Keyword Placement

Keyword placement means where your keywords are placed on a web page, it’s very important. Some search engine like if your main keyword is the title of your web page or in the head tags will give more relevancies and some search engine like the web page have Keywords in anchor text form (Link) or Header or in footer of web page.

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How to Find Keywords (Keyword Research)

There are some ways to find Keyword for your web page:

  • First of all analyze your website carefully and choose the best keywords for your website.
  • Those word people would search for your services or products.
  • Check Competitors website Keyword Tags
  • Choose related suggestions
  • Use Word Stemming for your keywords: word stemming are singular, plural, verb and similar words.

Must Read : How to do keyword research Learn SEO Tips & Tricks

How to Place Keywords

All the Meta tags will be written between opening and closing head section (<head>all Meta tags</head>). Here is some list place where you should use your main keywords.

  • Keyword in the title tag <title>Your tile Here</tile>
  • Keywords in the keyword tag <Meta name=”Keyword” Content=”your keyword here”/>
  • Keywords in the Description tag <meta name=”description” content=”your description here”/>
  • <h1> for main Headline tag.
  • Put keyword in Anchor text (Link) form in Web Page
  • Put keyword in footer.
  • Put keywords in alt tag (Image Tag)
  • Put Keyword in Comment tags <!———–Your comment here>
  • Try to put keyword in the URL of  Web page, e.g. http://www.yourwebsite/yourkeywords.html

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