How to Make Blank Wall Post and Comment in Facebook Account


Hello friends want to learn new Facebook trick. I am back with new cool Facebook trick to make a blank wall and comment post in your Facebook. I shared many Facebook tricks before like Facebook auto liker, Facebook auto tagging, Facebook auto Page Inviter and more ticks.

[symple_box color=”yellow” text_align=”left” width=”100%” float=”none”]
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We know Facebook is one of the best and Famous social networking website where we make friends and share their thoughts. Doing something different and attractive things impress your friends so today I going to share this amazing trick. Follow below simple steps and make a blank wall and comment in your Facebook account.

Steps to Make Blank Wall post and Comment are:

1)     First Login your Facebook account

2)      For blank wall post press ALT + 0173 and click on Post. Your post will look like below screenshot.

Facebook Blank Post

3)      For blank comment same as blank wall post press ALT + 0173 in comment section and press Enter

[symple_box color=”yellow” text_align=”left” width=”100%” float=”none”]
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I hope this tutorial will help you to post blank post and comment in Facebook. For more tips and trick follow our blog or like us on Facebook. Enjoy this trick and impress your friends. Have a nice and Tricky day. 🙂