Is it possible to restart a computer without shutting it down? Well this is possible to restart a computer without shutting it down. Some...

Is it possible to save any webpage as a PDF page on your computer? Well there are lots of ways to download website on...

Finally I am going to share how you can index your website post and page content in Google quickly within 2 seconds. This is...

Facebook recommendation bar is very nice widget for blogger and Facebook introduced about their beta social plugin called Facebook Recommendations bar. In this tutorial...

Hello friends today at 1:31 pm IST i were using Facebook suddenly i log out and showing the  error "Sorry, something went wrong." after that...

Pen Drive or Memory card is very important accessories to store and transfer of data and information. Mostly pen drive are used for transfer...

Are you forget your Vodafone number and want to know or check your Vodafone number on your phone? Well sometime we forget our mobile...

Whatsapp is one of the best messaging and chatting platform in the market. Today every smartphone users have WhatsApp for messaging and chatting with...

Hello friends I am back with new cool trick. If you want to delete your all Facebook posts then you should read this post...

Increase your Facebook Likes with the help of our Facebook auto liker tool which and Using any Facebook Auto Liker is quite...